今天一大清早醒来,就有一个想法,嘻嘻。。那就是学我家的‘彤彤’做 Downward Facing Dog Pose,把她美丽的姿势拍起来,然后放在我的blog 上。
哈哈。。我还是拍了张很Cute 地相片和大家分享♥ ♥ ♥
I woke up early this morning, got an idea came out from my mind.. hihi..
felt like doing somethings special today :)
to wait my puppy 'Tong Tong' to perform yoga posture ' Downward Facing Dog Pose' and take her yoga photos to share on my blog ♥ ♥ ♥
But i been wait, and wait.. she is too fast to complete her yoga posture, really she is too fast..
I even start to adjust the focus she already finished, too sad ...
Haha.. i am still able to 'catch' her very cute photo.. let's share with you ♥ ♥ ♥
1) This yoga pose can be used to overcome stress and depression.
2) Improves the digestive system.
3) AdhoMukha Svanasana can be very beneficial for patients of high blood pressure, asthma, sciatica and sinusitis.
4) Shoulders, legs, spine and whole body get stretched.
5) Woman with menopause can benefit from this posture.
6) This yoga pose relieves fatigue and rejuvenates the body.
1) Pregnant women should avoid this yoga posture.
2) If your wrists are sensitive or injured do not perform this yoga posture.